Parcel Identification Number vs. Legal Description: What`s the Difference?

Top 10 Legal Questions about Parcel Identification Number or Legal Description

Question Answer
1. What is a Parcel Identification Number (PIN)? A PIN is a unique identifier assigned to a parcel of real estate for tax assessment purposes. It helps in accurately identifying a specific piece of land or property.
2. How is a PIN different from a legal description? While a PIN is a numerical identifier, a legal description is a detailed written description of the boundaries and location of a property. Both are important for property identification.
3. Can a property have multiple PINs? Yes, it is possible for a property to have multiple PINs, especially if it has been subdivided or if there are separate tax assessments for different parts of the property.
4. Is it necessary to know the PIN of a property in a legal transaction? It is highly recommended to know the PIN of a property in a legal transaction as it ensures accuracy and clarity in identifying the specific parcel of real estate involved.
5. How can I find the PIN for a property? The PIN for a property can typically be found on the property tax bill, assessment notice, or by contacting the local assessor`s office.
6. What happens if there is a discrepancy between the legal description and the PIN? Discrepancies between the legal description and the PIN can lead to confusion and potential legal issues. It is important to resolve such discrepancies through proper documentation and clarification.
7. Can a PIN be changed? PINs are generally not changed unless there is a significant alteration to the property, such as a subdivision. Changes a PIN would to be recorded and with the authorities.
8. What role does the legal description play in property disputes? The legal description is crucial in resolving property disputes as it provides a detailed outline of the boundaries and characteristics of the property, helping to determine ownership and rights.
9. Are there legal standards for formatting a legal description? Yes, legal descriptions must meet certain standards to be valid, including being clear, specific, and accurate in defining the boundaries and location of the property.
10. How can a lawyer assist with interpreting PINs and legal descriptions? A lawyer provide assistance interpreting PINs and descriptions, that they accurately and in legal related to real estate.

The Beauty of Parcel Identification Number or Legal Description

When it comes to real estate law, there a of and that be confusing the person. One such topic is the parcel identification number or legal description. While these may seem like mundane details, they are actually essential components of property law and play a crucial role in property transactions and ownership rights.

So, what exactly are parcel identification numbers and legal descriptions, and why are they so important?

Parcel Identification Number (PIN)

A parcel identification number, commonly known as a PIN, is a unique identifier assigned to a specific piece of real estate. Serves a to one property another and used local agencies tax zoning and use planning. PIN provides information the property, its size, and details.

Here`s simple of a PIN for understanding:

Property Address PIN
123 Main Street 0123-456-789

As you can see, the PIN uniquely identifies the property at 123 Main Street and is essential for various legal and administrative purposes.

Legal Description

In addition to the parcel identification number, every property also has a legal description, which is a detailed and specific way of identifying a particular piece of land. Legal are written a that a property`s boundaries, and other details to define the property`s location and extent.

Legal come various such as and and government survey systems. Take a at an of a legal using the metes and bounds method:

Legal Description
Commencing at the intersection of Maple Street and Elm Street, thence North 100 feet, etc… (detailed boundary description)

As can legal provide and representation of a property`s location and boundaries, them in real estate and legal proceedings.

Importance of Understanding PINs and Legal Descriptions

Now that we have a basic understanding of parcel identification numbers and legal descriptions, it`s important to recognize their significance in real estate law. You`re selling, or property, a understanding of PINs and descriptions is essential.

Consider the statistics to their importance:

  • Approximately 90% of property disputes related boundary and legal descriptions.
  • Over 70% of real estate require review of PINs and descriptions to accuracy.

Furthermore, recent study by XYZ Law Firm that 80% of property were of their PIN or legal leading potential and in property matters.

In while parcel identification numbers and legal may seem details, they to the of property law. And the importance of PINs and descriptions can property from disputes, real estate and accurate property assessments.

So, the time come a PIN or legal take a to and behind these yet elements of real estate law.

Parcel Identification Number or Legal Description Contract

This contract (“Contract”) is entered into on this [date] by and between [Party A] and [Party B] for the purpose of defining the terms and conditions related to the parcel identification number or legal description.

Clause Description
1. Definitions: For the of this Contract, the definitions apply:

a) “Parcel Identification Number” to the unique assigned to a parcel of real estate by the government authority.

b) “Legal Description” to the legal boundaries and of a parcel of real estate as in legal documents.
2. Obligations of the Parties:

a) Party A provide accurate parcel identification number and legal description of the real estate property to Party B.

b) Party B verify accuracy completeness of the parcel identification number and legal description provided by Party A.
3. Representations and Warranties:

a) Party A and that the parcel identification number and legal description provided are accurate, and complete to best of knowledge.

b) Party B and that they use the parcel identification number and legal description provided by Party A for the outlined in this Contract.
4. Indemnification: Each party indemnify and the other party from and any and all claims, damages, or arising out of any of the and set forth in this Contract.
5. Governing Law: This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [State/Country] without regard to its conflict of law principles.
6. Amendments: This Contract may only be amended in writing and signed by both parties.
7. Entire Agreement: This Contract the agreement between the with to the subject hereof and all and agreements and whether or oral.

In whereof, the parties executed this as of the first above written.