Legal Age of Marriage in NJ: What You Need to Know

Frequently Asked Legal Questions about the Legal Age of Marriage in NJ

Question Answer
1. What is Legal Age of Marriage in New Jersey? The Legal Age of Marriage in New Jersey is 18. However, individuals who are 16 or 17 years old may be married with parental consent.
2. Can individuals under the age of 16 get married in New Jersey? No, individuals under the age of 16 cannot get married in New Jersey, even with parental consent.
3. Are any exceptions Legal Age of Marriage in New Jersey? Yes, exceptions may be made for individuals under the age of 16 in cases of pregnancy or childbirth with the approval of a judge.
4. What are the requirements for parental consent for marriage in New Jersey? Parental consent must be given in person at the time of application for a marriage license, and both parents or legal guardians must consent if they are living together. If the parents or guardians are divorced, consent is required from the parent having legal custody.
5. Can individuals who are 18 or older get married in New Jersey without parental consent? Yes, individuals who are 18 or older can get married in New Jersey without parental consent.
6. What is the process for obtaining a marriage license in New Jersey? Both parties must appear in person at the registrar of vital statistics in the municipality where the marriage will take place to complete the application for a marriage license.
7. Can individuals who are in a same-sex relationship get married in New Jersey? Yes, same-sex marriage has been legal in New Jersey since 2013.
8. Are there any restrictions on who individuals can marry in New Jersey? Individuals cannot marry a blood relative closer than first cousin, whether the relationship is by half or whole blood.
9. Can individuals who are already married in another state get married in New Jersey? No, individuals who are already married in another state cannot get married in New Jersey.
10. Where individuals find information Legal Age of Marriage in New Jersey? Individuals find information Legal Age of Marriage in New Jersey contacting local registrar vital statistics consulting experienced family law attorney.


The Legal Age of Marriage in NJ: What You Need to Know

As legal enthusiast, topic has always fascinated is Legal Age of Marriage in New Jersey. Laws marriage age important protecting individuals entering lifelong commitment ready. In this article, I will delve into the details of the legal age of marriage in NJ and provide valuable insights into this important legal matter.

Legal Age of Marriage in New Jersey

In New Jersey, legal age marriage 18 years old. However, individuals who are 16 or 17 years old may marry with the consent of a parent or guardian. Additionally, individuals under the age of 16 may marry with the approval of a judge and parental consent.

It is important to note that New Jersey law prohibits the marriage of individuals under the age of 16 in most cases, unless there are exceptional circumstances and judicial approval.

Statistics on Underage Marriage

According to the latest data, the rate of underage marriage in New Jersey has significantly decreased in recent years. In 2019, there were 211 marriages involving individuals under the age of 18 reported in the state, down from 283 in 2018. This demonstrates a positive trend towards reducing underage marriage in New Jersey.

Case Studies

One notable case that brought attention to the issue of underage marriage in New Jersey was that of a 16-year-old girl who sought judicial approval to marry her 51-year-old partner. The case sparked public outcry and raised questions about the legal age of marriage in the state. Ultimately, the judge denied the request, highlighting the importance of careful consideration in such matters.

The Legal Age of Marriage in New Jersey complex important issue requires careful consideration. By understanding the laws and regulations surrounding marriage age, we can ensure the protection and well-being of individuals in our state.

As a legal enthusiast, I am passionate about raising awareness of this topic and advocating for the rights of individuals, particularly young people, when it comes to marriage. I hope this article has provided valuable insights into the legal age of marriage in NJ and sparked your interest in this crucial legal matter.


Contract for Legal Age of Marriage in New Jersey

This agreement is made and entered into on this day, by and between the State of New Jersey and all individuals residing within its jurisdiction.

Article I Legal Age Marriage
Section 1.1 Marriageable Age
The legal age of marriage in the State of New Jersey is 18 years old. Any individual under the age of 18 must obtain parental consent and judicial approval in order to be eligible for marriage.
Section 1.2 Exceptional Circumstances
In exceptional circumstances, individuals between the ages of 16 and 18 may petition the court for permission to marry. The court will consider the best interests of the minor and may grant approval on a case-by-case basis.
Article II Legal Framework
Section 2.1 Statutory Provisions
This contract is governed by the laws and statutes of the State of New Jersey, including but not limited to Title 37 of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated.
Section 2.2 Judicial Review
In cases where judicial approval is required for marriage, the court shall conduct a thorough review to ensure compliance with legal requirements and the protection of the minor`s rights.
Article III Enforcement
Section 3.1 Penalties
Any violation of the legal age of marriage requirements in New Jersey may result in civil and criminal penalties, as prescribed by law.
Section 3.2 Amendments
This contract may be amended or modified only by written agreement of the parties, in accordance with applicable laws and legal procedures.